Book Therapy: Hardwiring Happiness


Are you looking for a book with some simple tools to use brain science to your advantage? Check out this month’s Book Therapy Pick: Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence by Rick Hanson, Ph.D. This book does a great job of breaking down basic brain evolution and science to better understand some of the brain’s natural tendencies; the negativity bias may be working against you.

Dr. Rick Hanson provides a simple 4 step process to help you use brain science to make small changes to use positive experiences as a secret superpower. Check out the video for more of my thoughts and insights from the book.

Watch the video on Hardwiring Happiness By Rick Hanson:

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And as always, I hope you continue nurturing your mind, body, and soul, whatever that looks like for you.