Book Therapy: The Anatomy of Anxiety


If you’re looking for a book to help you with anxiety, then you cannot miss this month’s book therapy pick and must pick it up.

My name is Diana Garcia and I’m a licensed mental health counselor in Florida and owner of a private practice called Nurturing Minds Counseling. If you’re new here, this is part of my monthly book therapy series where I pick one mental health self-help book to recommend, summarize, and pick out three key insights from the book.

Watch the video on The Anatomy of Anxiety

Read blog on The Anatomy of Anxiety

This month I’m doing something different; so, stick to the end to wait to see what. You really are not going to want to miss this month’s therapy pick, which is The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body’s Fear Response by Dr. Ellen Bora. She’s a psychiatrist and this is a relatively recent book. I saw this book a while ago, but I just haven’t had the time to read it. I finally picked it up and I’m so glad that I did! I’m going to get at least three insights from the book, but I could not do it justice in just three insights. So, if you struggle with any type of anxiety, I really recommend that you pick up this book.

If you enjoyed this content, I encourage you to subscribe to my email newsletter to get the latest tips to improve your mental health, more book recommendations, and other resources on your self-growth journey.

And as always, I hope you continue nurturing your mind, body, and soul, whatever that looks like for you.

The Anatomy of Anxiety Summary

The book is broken down into three parts.

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